Student Spotlight: Joseph Martinez

Lucy Caprera

Sophomore Joseph Martinez shows his passion for music as he holds his clarinet.

Q: Do you have any music interests?
A: Yeah, a lot, in jazz,…orchestra, and symphonies.

Q: So is that why you were in the band?
A: Yeah, I mean, for me music started in third grade so it had a big impact on my life.

Q: Since you were talking about music, is there anything you’d like to major in? Like, what would you like to do after high school?
A: Probably major in engineering and then have two minors and probably medical health.

Q: What would you like to build if you do become an engineer in the future?
A: Probably a place where everyone can just learn about music if they have a passion, and they can, like, financially get into it or learn something about music.

Q: What started your music passion?
A: Probably…playing in third grade, because I saw third graders playing, like, other instruments. At a young age, it just affected me so from then on I just played music.

Q: Does anyone else in your family have the same music interest?
A: I guess my dad, but not really.

Q: Do you play any sports here at DP?
A: Not really, but probably next year I’m going to try and go into boys soccer.

Q: [Is there] anything that’s very exciting or interesting that’s happening right now [in your life]?
A: I’m playing in an SBCC concert and meeting new people every day and just learning more and more.