Student spotlight: Donovan Quirk

Axel Tenje

Junior Donovan Quirk

Picture this: Your time on Earth is quickly running out and the only thing you have time for is eating one last meal. The final moments of your life are playing out while you eat this last dish. Doesn’t a nice, hot pizza sound perfect? That’s what junior Donovan Quirk thinks.

In his spare time, Donovan enjoys surfing and mountain biking, which has resulted in a near-death experience more than a couple of times. His less dangerous interests include tabletop games and action movies.

“I like ones that have more depth too, rather than just action the whole time. They’re more engaging,” he said.

Donovan appreciates DP and said that his three years here have been pretty good overall, even though he considers the boys’ bathrooms to be in terrible shape. He thinks that the school’s “Off & Away” policy is useful, but might also be enforced too strictly on students.

“I think it’s good for the most part. I think they might be enforcing it too strictly, or some of the teachers are at least. I think it’s a good policy considering how many people are often…on their phones in the middle of class. However, I also think students, for the most part, get their work done. So I don’t think it matters that much,” he said.

Unlike the phone policy, the policy regarding free lunch is something Donovan is really thankful for.

“I really appreciate that they do free lunch for all students…I think it’s really helpful. Especially during the pandemic, it was a really, really good policy. The school lunch…is not the greatest quality. However, I do believe that connects to the fact that it is free for everyone,” he said.

His positive thoughts about school lunch are backed up by DPNews.

“I mean, the ‘nom, nom, nom’ really gets me every time.”