Roman Alonzo
What are you most excited for about homecoming?
”What I’m most excited about is being on the court during halftime because I play football and I think that’d be really cool.”
What’s something not a lot of people know about you?
“I’m very into motorcycles. Growing up, I grew up on, like, a dirt bike and all that. And I’m now just starting to get into it more and I really enjoyed them.”
What’s your favorite part of highschool?
”My favorite part about high school was the memories that you make, whether they’re good or bad, you live and learn to see like another day and I really like to live on that.”

Mia Brown
What’s the most exciting part of being on homecoming court?
”I think that the most exciting part about being on homecoming court is going to be the football game on Friday night and standing out on the field with my friends in waiting to see who wins and being able to get dressed up with my friends and having my parents there to celebrate with me.”
What’s something not a lot of people know about you?
”I grew up in Africa, and I just transferred here my freshman year, sort of like Cady Heron in Mean Girls.”
What’s your favorite part of highschool?
”Having an environment where everyone is learning and growing together. And we can all just be ourselves around each other. And no one is really, like, passing judgment because everyone is going through these things at the same time and learning from each other.”
Who was your favorite teacher?
“My favorite teacher was Dr. P. He’s such a baddie. Everyone says that we just took him off the streets one day and he just started teaching biology. I agree with that, but he’s a great teacher, and a friend, he’s always there to listen.”

Rylee Cathcart
What are you most excited for about homecoming?
”The thing I’m most looking forward to about Homecoming Court is getting to be able to dress up and just look really nice. And you get to see everybody else and their nice dresses and nice tuxedos and everything. I think it’s going to be really fun.”
What’s something not a lot of people know about you?
”I think that not a lot of people know … that I have a very creative side. I love all, like, artsy activities. I love being outdoors.”
What’s your favorite part of highschool?
”Just getting to get to know a lot of people even if they’re not super close relationships, just getting to be able to just say hi to a whole bunch of people in the halls is really nice and fun.”

Charlotte Choi
What has been your favorite part of high school?
“Either last year, because surprisingly junior year was my favorite year so far, I would say last year at the Empire Baltimore world competition because I made a lot of great friends and it was really fun. Or when we placed second in state.”
What was the moment you found out you were on Homecoming Court like?
“So I was in the greek with my friends, and like all the other nominees who were my friends. I was not expecting anything…I posted it on my instagram story last minute, but I think it was because of alphabetical order or something, but my name was one of the first to get called and my mouth just dropped because I was so shocked and I wasn’t expecting it. But I was really happy because a lot of my friends were also on the court and I was excited to have that special high school experience.”
What is something interesting the people might not know about you?
“I can wiggle my ears!”

Stella Daoud
How do you feel about being on homecoming court? “It’s kind of surreal … I did not expect it at all. So, it’s nice to have this opportunity.”
What’s something not a lot of people know about you?
”My first language was Portuguese, so not a lot of people know that. … My mom just raised me with it because she came from Brazil, so she just spoke around the house speaking Portuguese, and then going to preschool helped me learn English at the same time.”
What do you want people to know about you?
”I’m a really bubbly, extroverted person.”

Natalie Murray
What has been your favorite or most exciting part of high school?
“I’ve really enjoyed leadership this year and all the activities that we do…planning the fun events and interacting with people.”
What was the moment you found out you were on Homecoming Court like?
“I was in my third period because I didn’t stay for lunch, and I didn’t really care that much that I was on the court.”
What is something interesting that people might not know about you?
“I’ve lived in four different states across the country: Arizona, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and here.”

Lukas Ginder
What has been your favorite or most exciting part of high school?
“I think my favorite part was just building relationships with people, and just bringing a lot of school spirit, a lot of hype to DP and feeling like I succeeded in doing something and being a good leader.”
Advice for other students?
“Get as involved as you can, because it feels like yesterday I was just playing frosh baseball, with my boys. And now it’s like ‘I’m gonna graduate’, in like 8 months.”
Why should people vote for you?
“I feel like people should vote for me because I do as much as I can to bring a lot of school spirit, and try to get a bunch of involvement with everything. I feel like I go out of my way to help other people have as much fun as I’m having with DP.”

Finn Spach
What has been your favorite or most exciting part of high school?
“I like meeting all of the people. [DP] is much bigger than the grade school I went to. There was like 100 people in the whole school, so being in touch with the high school is pretty cool.”
What was your reaction to finding out you were on Homecoming Court?
“[I was surprised] because I was told that I didn’t. I was sick that day and I was at home, and they were like ‘no sorry, you didn’t get on hoco court’ and then I got an email like five hours later like ‘hey congratulations’. I was like oh my god they all lied to me.”
What’s something interesting that people might not know about you?
“I can speak German. I guess I can juggle.”
Why should people vote for you?
“People really shouldn’t vote for me. They should vote for Ben Potoski obviously. If they were to vote for me and they needed a reason, it would be because I have painted fingernails.”

Susy Lopez Garza
Who’s your favorite teacher?
“My favorite, I think has to be Mr. Gibson from the DPEA. He’s really funny. And we’ve connected on a lot of cool, nerdy things.”
What was your favorite part of high school?
“My favorite part of high school? I think it was all the friends I made. Like, I used to only hang out with like one group of people since elementary school. But like, now, I’ve met so many more people, and they’re all super awesome.”
What was your reaction to finding out you were on Homecoming Court?
“Yeah, it was actually really crazy. I was in like Greek watching, listening for to see who was going to be announced as the homecoming court. And a bunch of my friends got on and I was cheering and then suddenly, I heard my my own name. And I was like, what, like, literally jaw dropped.”

Noe York
What would you say is your favorite part of high school?
“Um, I guess my favorite part of high school so far has been meeting a variety of people that I didn’t have around me growing up meeting a lot of different people with different backgrounds, different ethnicities, different religious beliefs, and it’s been pretty awesome getting to know people outside of what I had previously been around in elementary school and junior high.”
Who is your favorite teacher?
My favorite teacher must have been I guess Miss Boyce from the Engineering Academy. She’s very nice. And I love her work ethic and she’s very pleasant to be around always. She has a nice personality.
Could you tell us about the moment you found out you were on Hoco Court?
And as soon as I heard one of my friends’ names, we celebrated it and we heard another and we celebrated and then we heard mine and that felt crazy and surreal.
Those are all the questions I had to say anything else you’d like to add?
Um, I could just I guess. I’d like to add that high school has been really fun as long as you take. Take advantage of your opportunities and try to branch out out of your social group and try new things. It’d be a really memorable experience.”

Benjamin Potoski
What has been your favorite or most exciting part of high school?
“In high school you get a lot of independence…so in junior high or elementary school your teachers hold your hand and they walk you through everything you have to do, and what I’ve really found enjoyable and interesting about high school is that your not going to be walked anymore, you know? You’re going to have to figure things out by yourself and that’s probably been the most exciting part for me.”
What was your reaction to being chosen for Homecoming Court?
“I was absolutely not expecting it under any circumstance. I would not consider myself popular in any way, shape, or form…I did not really want to be on the Homecoming Court, but here I am, so, I’m still going!”
What is something interesting people might not know about you?
“A few years ago I was interested in airplanes so I took a couple flight lessons, and so I’ve flown a plane before.”

Maggie Gallup
What was your reaction to being chosen for Homecoming Court?
“The moment I found out I was on Homecoming Court I was in my car actually going to get lunch and someone calls me and is just like ‘Maggie, Maggie Maggie! Did you hear? Did you hear?’ because I had been super excited about it and I had just had a super stressful weekend and it really picked up my week.”
Who is your favorite teacher?
My favorite teacher here at DP is my band director, Ms. Ware because the effort and dedication she puts into her program is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.”
What is something interesting people might not know about you?
“I have six siblings and I’m the oldest. The closest one to my age is twelve.”

Sophie Saleh
What has been your favorite or most exciting part of high school?
“I feel like the most exciting part for me was running with my cross country team.”
Why should people vote for you?
“People should vote for me because I’m really cool.”
What is something interesting people might not know about you?
“I lived in Germany for a year”

Aidan Myers
What was your reaction to being chosen for Homecoming Court?
“I was sitting at a Hawaiian Barbecue place with my bro Nathan Egen. I had some short ribs in my mouth, he was eating a bowl of corn, and I got a text from Aston Smith saying that I made it, and we giggle a little bit, we hugged, we might’ve kissed, thinking back. It was really exciting.”
What is something interesting people might not know about you?
“I have three hairless cats named Ricky, Cairo, and Lucy. They’re pretty cool.”
Why should people vote for you?
“They should vote for me because … I don’t know”

Ezekiel Tynes
What was your reaction to being chosen for Homecoming Court?
“It was pretty exciting. I was driving back from Chipotle, eating my burrito, and I got a phone call from a friend, and I had another friend in the car and she went crazy. Good time.”
Who was your favorite teacher?
“Mr. Garret. Mr. Todd Garret.”
What has been your favorite part of high school?
“Probably either my volleyball season or my senior year has been pretty fun with leadership.”

Sadie Woods
What is the craziest thing that’s happened to you in high school?
“Honestly the messy comp was probably the craziest thing that’s happened because I got so much yogurt dumped on my face and that probably topped the cake for craziest.”
What is something interesting people might not know about you?
“I have six brothers … technically.”
Who was your favorite teacher?
“Probably between either Ms. Savio or Jordan Williams.”

Taylor Hayes
What has been your favorite part of high school?
“Probably the sports and the atmosphere of sports.”
Why should people vote for you?
“If they want to!”
What is something interesting people might not know about you?
“I have two older siblings.”
Who has been your favorite teacher?
“Ms. Rudolph has been my favorite teacher. She was my freshman year English teacher, been my favorite ever since.”

JC Contreras
What was your reaction to being chosen for Homecoming Court?
I was sitting in Sienna’s office with Rylee and Roman and I heard Scott announce the court in the greek, so I dropped everything and ran over there.”
What is the craziest thing that’s happened to you at your time at DP?
“Has to be a football moment. Craziest moment in high school would be getting into fights at practice and being told good job afterwards.”
Who has been your favorite teacher?
“Mr. Bard Salcido Junior”