The Dos Pueblos High School Boys Volleyball Team defeated Buena High School in an away game on Tuesday. DPHS won the first set 25-7, setting a pace that would continue for the rest of the game.
“We were really efficient from the service line tonight,” coach Ehren Hug said. “The guys really took their time from the line and garnered us some great opportunities.”
The second set also went in DPHS’s favor, ending in a score of 25-4. With this, DPHS went further ahead, with a score of 2-0.
The third set went similarly to the first two. DPHS won the third set 25-8, securing an overall win.
A notable player in the game was Wyatt Silver, who made two kills, four aces, and 13 assists. Kawin Ramko also stood out, with four kills and six aces.
DPHS’s next boys volleyball game is today at 6:30 p.m. against Oxnard.