Andrew Brennan
Andy Brennan (12) said he is excited about getting to drive around the track and dress in a suit for the Homecoming football game. However, he said he is most excited about participating in the court activities with his “best friend Anna.”
Brennan was in a meeting with his counselor during the court announcement, so he was initially unaware that he had been selected for Homecoming court.
“People just kept randoming going, ‘Congratulations Andy’ … and for five minutes people kept coming up to me and I had no clue why,” Brennan said. “And then I found Anna, and she was like, ‘We’re on court’ and I was like, ‘Oh my Gosh’ and then we did a little squeal and hugged.”
Brennan’s favorite Dos Pueblos High School teacher is the Shop teacher, Mr. Ringer.
“He’s a really fun guy to be around as long as you don’t make thoughtless mistakes,” Brennan said. “‘I’ve just always loved his class and he’s a very silly guy, he’s very sarcastic and just love Mr. Ringer.”

Diana Carmona
Diana Carmona (12) said she was “surprised” when she found out she’d been nominated for Homecoming court.
“It didn’t really hit me in the moment and I was just standing there like, ‘Was that me, did they really call me?’” Carmona said. “I was super happy about it after.”
After her nomination, Carmona was interviewed by DPNews, which she felt was “really funny” since she had to do a dance for the camera.
Carmona is looking forward to riding in the cars during the Homecoming court ceremony, and spending time with all of the cheerleaders that also got nominated for court.
This year is Carmona’s second year as a cheerleader for DPHS, and one of her favorite parts of cheer is the community aspect and the routines she gets to perform.
“I like our routines, our dance routines are super fun,” Carmona said.

Stella Russell
The part of Homecoming court that Stella Russell (12) said she is the most excited about is the night of the Homecoming football game when she will be escorted by her family. Russell has had her dress picked out for weeks, and is excited to be in a “nice dress” and be “fancy.”
Russell’s favorite part of being on court has been spending time with the other nominees, and the lunch activities in the Greek that she’s been able to participate in.
At DPHS, Russell is involved in band. She started playing music in elementary school, and her favorite high school memories have become “all the band related things,” like football games and the concerts they host.
“My main instrument is trombone, but I play a lot of instruments,” Russell said. “I’ve played about 10.”

Hailey Rance
Hailey Rance (12) said she is most excited for the Greek activities that the Homecoming court does the week before the dance and she looks forward to “being on [Homecoming court] with the people that are on it.”
“Two of my childhood friends are actually on it,” Rance said. “Deana Arroyo and Grace Thao, so that was really exciting.”
Rance originally didn’t think that she would make Homecoming court “at all.”
“I was cheering for my friends and they called my name and I was just like ‘No I think they said my name wrong,’” Rance said.
Rance’s favorite teacher is Cole Hufford, a science teacher.
“I had him my freshman year for biology, and I don’t know, he was just so special to me,” Rance said.

Anna Gray
Anna Gray (12) is “most excited” for Homecoming, specifically the dance aspect of it. She said she “loves” the preparation with friends for Homecoming and is “looking forward” to the activities in the Greek leading up to Homecoming.
Gray was “very excited” and a “bit surprised” when she found out that she was on Homecoming court with one of her friends.
She said she “didn’t believe” she was going to be nominated for Homecoming court and had talked herself “out of it.”
Outside of the nomination, Gray is on the varsity softball team and also “enjoys” weightlifting and reading.

Max Phan
Max Phan (12) said the “most exciting” part of Homecoming is the ability to dress up and be with friends. Phan also “enjoys” being in the spotlight.
“Everyone sees you and you feel a sense of popularity,” Phan said.
Phan said he was “really happy” when he received the nomination for Homecoming.
“[I was] shaking my friend back and forth,” Phan said. “[I was] like ‘Oh my gosh, I’m on Homecoming court.’”
Outside of the Homecoming court nomination Phan “likes to critique fashion.”

Gus Miller
Gus Miller (12) is most excited for the Homecoming dance.
“I’m pretty excited to hang out with my friends and have fun,” Miller said.
Miller also thinks that it is “pretty exciting” to have been nominated for Homecoming court.
“I think it’s pretty cool that I just got on in the first place,” Miller said. “[It’s] not like, I really expected people to pick me out of all the people on that super long list. So, yeah, it’s pretty exciting knowing that I have that sort of support.”
Miller’s favorite teachers are Bilha Raygoza, Samantha Mooneyham, and Todd Garrett.

Gracie Weinbender
Gracie Weinbender (12) said what she’s most looking forward to at Homecoming is dancing with her friends and seeing their dresses.
“Most of my friends are seniors and everyone goes all out for senior year, so I’m excited to see just how amazing everyone’s going to look,” Weinbender said.
For Weinbender, a highlight of being on court was when she found out she was nominated along with some of her friends.
“First, a couple of my friends were called, and I was just so happy for them,” Weinbender said. “Then I was called and I was like ‘Oh my gosh I get to do it with them.’”
Weinbender has been on the cheer team since freshman year, but has done cheer since she was two years old. She said one of her favorite things about cheer has been getting to be co-captains with one of her best friends every year that they’ve been on the team.
“It’s been amazing to see some of the girls that I’ve been on a team with for like six years just grow because we were on cheer in junior high too,” Weinbender said. “It’s even really fun to compete with them during competition season. Last year was amazing.”

Jocelyn Lopez
Jocelyn Lopez (12) is most excited about the Homecoming football game and spending time with friends at the dance.
For Lopez, the most exciting part about being on Homecoming court is “getting to dress up in a long dress and getting ready.”
When Lopez found out that she was nominated for court, she was “really surprised” and “super happy.”
Lopez’s favorite teacher is Mike Gerken who teaches English and coaches Softball.

Grace Thao
For Grace Thao (12) the most exciting thing about being on Homecoming court is getting to be with childhood friends.
“I have a lot of my elementary friends on the court with me,” Thao said. “So kind of just going through elementary together and then ending high school together, I’m excited for that.”
Something she is looking forward to during Homecoming week is getting to ride in the cars that take the Homecoming court to the football field.
Her reaction to being on the Homecoming court was surprise.
“I just did a last minute nomination thing for myself literally the day before, because who knows what could happen,” Thao said. “But I’m glad I did it, because now I get to be on Homecoming court.”
A fun fact about Grace is that she’s really good at Street Fighter, the video game.

Makai Callis
Makai Callis (12) thinks that the most exciting part of being on Homecoming court is the opportunity it presents to win.
“I’m just happy that I guess I got recognized,” Callis said. “And obviously it would be really cool if I were to win.”
Callis didn’t expect to be chosen, but is happy to be with friends.
“I was honestly kind of surprised,” Callis said. “But I was really excited. I thought it was cool that I got to be there with one of my friends.”
Callis “[doesn’t] know” who he would pick as his favorite teacher.
“I’d say I really like Garrett because he’s my lacrosse coach,” Callis said. “But I also really like Mooneyham and O’Carroll, because they’re just good teachers.”

Alina King
Alina King (12) is celebrating two events this Saturday.
“Well actually, on Homecoming, it’s my 18th birthday, so I’m kind of excited. It’s like in my mind, I’m like ‘Okay, school party for me.’ And I’m excited to dress up with all my friends.”
For Alina the most exciting thing about being on the Homecoming court is the environment surrounding the game and event.
“Honestly, just like being out there at half. Vibes are real out there,” King said.
Her reaction to the nomination was excitement.
“I was really excited, but I was very caught off guard because I was not expecting that,” King said. “But as you know, I was pumped.”
King’s favorite DP teacher is Dr. Pelton. A fun fact about her is that she’s left-handed.

Crystal Rios Armenta
Crystal Rios Armenta (12) was excited to find out that she was on Homecoming court.
“I was really excited, really shocked,” Armenta said. “After I had accepted the nomination, I called my mom and she was screaming over the phone, and we were just screaming and jumping together.”
The most exciting part about being on Homecoming court for Armenta is getting to represent the clubs and activities she is involved in. Something she is most looking forward to during Homecoming is having fun with everybody.
“Being in Leadership I get to help set up and clean up, and seeing the start to end process is so fun,” Armenta said, “But just having a fun event with all the schools is great.”
A fun fact about Armenta is that she enjoys singing and is involved in choir.
Her top three favorite DP teachers are Dan Choi, Courtney Anderson, and Scott Guttentag.

Kasurina Ruskey
Kasurina Ruskey (12) is most excited about riding in the cars and picking out dresses with her friends.
“[I am excited about] riding in the cool cars,” Ruskey said. “I really want to ride the Bronco. So hoping, praying that I get to ride the Bronco.”
Ruskey is also a cheerleader and is excited about being able to cheer at the Homecoming game aside from being on Homecoming court.
“I feel like the game is going to be really fun and exciting,” Ruskey said. “I can also cheer on the side a little bit after the announcements.”
When Ruskey found out that she was on Homecoming court she was “just really excited.”
“They said my name at first and I was focused because my friend right before I got called … so I was cheering her up,” Ruskey said. “My friends were screaming at me and I didn’t process it fully.”
Ruskey’s favorite teacher is Todd Garrett, who is a Career Technical Education teacher.
“I had so much fun in his class,” Ruskey said. “His classroom is like a home … kids go there before school and then lunch and after school … [he’s] just a fun teacher to be around.”

Deana Aguilera Arroyo
Deana Aguilera Arroyo (12) is most excited about dressing up, going to Homecoming with her girlfriend, and being able to bring her little sister on the field.
“I’m excited to bring my little sister on the field with me,” Arroyo said. “She’s six and wants to match with me and I think it’s going to be super fun.”
Arroyo did not expect to be on Homecoming court.
“I didn’t expect to get on Homecoming court, and so when people told me, I thought that they were joking until they brought me my slip during third period,” Arroyo said. “I was so excited.”
Arroyo’s favorite teacher is her AVID teacher Dan Choi.
“He’s been with me since freshman year so he’s like a father to me,” Arroyo said.

Fernanda Mendoza
Fernanda Mendoza (12) is excited for the Homecoming game, riding in the cars, as well as seeing who wins.
“I feel like everyone at heart is really deserving of winning,” Mendoza said “So I’m just excited to take pictures with them, spend time with them, and see who wins.”
Mendoza was “shocked” that she was nominated for Homecoming court.
“I was shocked and happy, but mostly shocked,” Mendoza said. “I wasn’t expecting to be on it, so it was really shocking.”
Mendoza’s favorite teacher is her AVID teacher Alejandrina Lorenzano who she has had since freshman year.
Edited Sept. 23, 2024 for capitalization and editorializing.
Chargerhocofan • Sep 19, 2024 at 9:33 pm
Gus and makai have so much aura
chargeraccounts1fan • Sep 19, 2024 at 7:19 pm