“Kublai Khan TX” Band Photo Gallery

Eric English shows metalcore bands that the bass is cool if you know how to pay it. (Joaquin Santamaria)


Matt Honeycutt shows Ventura “The Hammer.” (Joaquin Santamaria)


Isaac Lamb plays the drums. (Joaquin Santamaria)


Bassist Eric English plays for Kublai Khan TX. (Joaquin Santamaria)


Andrew Hileman talks to Matt Honeycutt after he finishes his vocal feature. (Joaquin Santamaria)


Vocalist Matt Honeycutt of Kublai Khan TX being the toughest man in hardcore. (Joaquin Santamaria)


Nick Adams, guitarist of Justice For The Damned fills in on guitar for Kublai Khan TX. (Joaquin Santamaria)


Isaac Lamb and Matthew Honeycutt of Kublai Khan TX at The Majestic Ventura Theater on February 25, 2023. (Joaquin Santamaria)


Issac Lamb, drummer of Texas hardcore beatdown band Kublai Khan TX plays at The Majestic Ventura Theater on the Decade of Hate tour. (Joaquin Santamaria)