Strengthen your passions and get community service hours!

Kashaf Iftikhar

Eight clubs and organizations on campus that offer community service hours for attending the meetings.

Are you a senior or junior who hasn’t completed their community service requirement? Here are several clubs on campus where you get more community service hours.

As a reminder, seniors and juniors must have a minimum of 45 hours, and sophomores and freshmen must have a minimum of 60 hours. To earn the Community Service Hour Award, seniors and juniors must complete at least 150 hours of service, and sophomores and freshmen must complete at least 200 hours.

Sources of Strength: They organize monthly campaigns to spread hope, help, and strength throughout the school community.

  • They meet every Wednesday during lunch in H-30.
  • 30 minutes of community service per meeting

Medical Club: “They work to support local medical-related charities and are currently planning to lead a fundraiser with the track team,” Mariam Trabelsi said.

  • They meet every Wednesday during lunch in Room A-4.
  • 30 minutes of community service per meeting, plus anytime outside of club hours

Together to Empower: “The club revolves around women helping women worldwide. Albeit, male members are also welcome,” Margherita Scussatt said.

  • They meet during lunch on the first and third Wednesdays of every month.
  • 30 minutes of community service per meeting, plus anytime outside of club hours

Youth for Direct Relief: “A fundraising club that helps aid people who have been affected by natural disasters and medical emergencies,” Autumn Litten said.

  • They meet during lunch on the first and third Wednesdays of every month.
  • 30 minutes of community service per meeting

Dream Team: “The organization works with the Dream Foundation in Santa Barbara to help provide dreams to terminally ill adults and their families,” Maia Fassbind said.

  • They meet during lunch on the first and third Wednesday of every month in H-11.
  • 30 minutes of community service per meeting, plus anytime outside of club hours

Women in Technology: “The team works to empower women to help pursue an education in STEM and fundraise to help pay for their tuition,” Samsara Chahine said.

  • They meet every Tuesday during lunch in room T-10.
  • 30 minutes of community service per meeting

MiSendero: “We provide opportunities for students that need help with their Spanish work and Spanish-speaking students interested in tutoring. We also have conversations in Spanish,” Santiago Lupi said.

  • They meet every Wednesday during lunch in L-1 (the classroom in the library by the fishbowl).
  • 1 hour of community service per meeting

The Trail Maintenance Club: “The club’s purpose is to provide interested individuals with a connection to the LPFA organization, allowing students the chance to participate in any upcoming trail maintenance trips,” Samuel Wilder said.

  • They meet every Monday at noon in H-13 and sometimes after school.
  • The number of community service hours varies according to the length of the trip.